Budget travel · Travel hacks & tips

The only post you need to deal with theft while you travel

During dull monotonous routine it is easier to keep a track of your belongings. But it turns into drudgery when you are drifting through woods, sipping beer by the sea or attending a wooing cultural programme in a foreign land. And to make this easier, here is a post you just need. Here are some… Continue reading The only post you need to deal with theft while you travel

Incredible India · Travel hacks & tips

5 must-haves in your backpack on your trip to India.

1. A scarf Or perhaps more than one! And this is not confined to ladies out there. If you are travelling to India you may realize that some of the places are really dusty. And that’s when your scarf stretches out for your help, you can wrap it around your face and head. It is… Continue reading 5 must-haves in your backpack on your trip to India.